UAI has helped communities, institutions and agencies do a better job of engaging Jewish adults and children in being Jewish (their way), in Judaism, and in the Jewish community through policy research, planning and management projects.
Developing Jewish Educators: A Strategic Plan for Yeshiva University
Insuring our Future: A Report on Jewish Education in Chicago
Guide for Community Outreach Programs
Plan for Lead Communities: Council for Initiatives in Jewish Education
Evaluation of Jewish Continuity Programs: Cleveland Commission on Jewish Continuity
Towards the 21st Century:
A Recommended Strategic Plan for the Baltimore Hebrew University
Campus and Community: Strengthening the Identity of Jewish College Students
The Jewish Cultural Integration of Jews from the FSU into the Jewish people:
Israel and the United States
First Fruits: An Assessment of Year One of New York's Jewish Continuity Grant Program
Second Steps: An Assessment of Year Two of the Jewish Continuity Grants Initiative
Jewish Preschools as Gateway to Jewish Life: A Survey of Jewish Preschool Parents
An Evaluation of JDS-21: Jewish Day Schools for the 21st Century
An Exploration of Decision-Making Regarding Jewish Education of Interfaith Families
Young Jewish Adults in the United States Today
From Service to Leadership:
A Draft Strategic Management Plan for the NY Board of Education
An Evaluation of the Legacy Heritage Foundation's Synagogue Innovation Project
For more information about this Area of Expertise, or other UAI Projects, contact us